Our services


MuzeumStat is a permanently refreshing service of the National Centre of Museological Methodology and Information (OMMIK). The service is designed to make the public statistics of the Hungarian museum institutions (museums, public collections and exhibitions) accessible for the interested parties in a clear and easily searchable format. The institutions’ basic data (name, professional assessment) is based on the annual operating licenses of the institutions and not on the earlier provided statistical data. We considered it important to show these statistics in a wider context, so we attached annual municipal environmental statistical data (population, education, tourism and culture) to every institution, from 2008 to the present. The annual museum statistics can be seen in diagrams and charts, and in the case of some key data groups the statistics appear on Google map, too. We made it possible for users to download the data in Excel and PDF format from the portal. Based on the memorandums of the museums we created visualized graphs to show the network of the institutions and their estates which can also be seen on Google map. We made the public data of the implemented museum projects co-financed by the European Union available on Google map and in chart format, broken down by operational programs, from 2004 up to now.



MuseuMap portal is a digital museum art-database service where users can browse among works of art uploaded by partner institutions, stroll within virtual exhibitions, obtain information on the museums' current programs, as well as share their own favourite virtual exhibition on social media interfaces. In addition to the presence on a common search interface, the service provides an opportunity to deliver the pictures and text data automatically to the Europeana portal. We offer a variety of packages for the institutions by which they can connect to the portal and modify their data. Safe storage and continuous availability of the data are guaranteed by the National Information Infrastructure Development Institute. 


Muzeum@Digit Conference

The Hungarian National Museum, National Centre of Museological Methodology and Information organized the first ‘MUZEUM@DIGIT’ International Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage in 2013. Since then we are over three successful conferences that have drawn bigger audiences year by year. We can say that we have become global as we could welcome guest speakers even from Asia, South America and the USA. The main goal of the conference is to share and discuss the perspectives and trends of modern digital museums and museum, library and archives digitization regarding the future plans of this field. Some of the topics we have already discussed: digital best practices, digital museum, data visualization, mobile technologies in museums, storytelling, aggregation, international projects, digitalization projects, Europeana Strategy 2020, gamification, 3D solutions, cloud services and many more topics. Beside the presentations we also intend to provide an unique opportunity to the enterprises operating in this area to demonstrate their profiles. Attending our conference presents a great value and an excellent opportunity to meet industry experts and professionals from Hungary and other European countries as well. In 2015 we had the pleasure to host an AVICOM event, the International Audiovisual Festival on Museums and Heritage (FIAMP). The festival highlighted the best achievements in the world of museology, and the awards ceremony was held on the first day of our conference in the Hungarian National Museum. Related to the festival, we gave an opportunity to some of the best contestants to introduce their work.



1053 Budapest
Magyar u. 40.


Phone: 00-36-1-327-7700/573
E-mail: ommik@hnm.hu
Web: ommik.hu


Hungarian National Museum

1088 Budapest
Múzeum krt. 14-16.


Phone: 00-36-1-327-7749
E-mail: info@hnm.hu
Web: www.hnm.hu