The F@IMP 2.0 (Festival of Audiovisual International Multimedia Patrimony) is organized by AVICOM, the International Committee of Museums (ICOM) for audiovisual and new technologies for image and sound. F@imp 2.0 is an instalment of FIAMP (Festival International de l’Audiovisuel du Multimédia sur le Patrimoine), an international event aimed to encourage and to value the production and dissemination of audiovisual products (films) and innovative multimedia technologies (websites, interactive programs, mobile applications and creative and interpretive exhibition installations) initiated or produced by museums or heritage and cultural institutions.



F@IMP 2.0 Festival Winners

Short Film Bronze
West Bohemia Museum in Pilsen - The museum robbery

Short Film Silver
King Matthias Museum of the Hungarian National Museum - István Dobó Castle Museum
Gunpowder smoke within the stones of the Fortress 

Short Film Gold
Van Gogh Museum - Munch: Van Gogh


Medium Film Bronze
Itaipu's Guarani Land Museum - Making a museum

Medium Film Silver
Tsarskoye Selo State Museum - History of the Knights Carousel

Medium Film Gold
King Matthias Museum of the Hungarian National Museum - Visegrád of the kings


Long Film Bronze
Cretan open-air Museum "Lychnostatis" - The light inside

Long Film Silver
State Museum Preserve "Rostov kremlin" - Museum action

Long Film Gold
Museum of Byzantine Culture - Return


Prize Web Art Bronze
CASVA gli archivi del progetto a Milano
Maria Cristina Vannini -
10 projects from the CASVA archives and the municipality of Milan

Prize Web Art Silver
Museo Archeologico di Salerno
Claudia Pecoraro
Empty walls

Prize Web Art Gold
Rosphoto - The voyage on the cruiser Dmitrii Donskoi


Prize Mobil Application Bronze
The Yaroslavl Art Museum - A house in section

Prize Mobil Application Silver
Music Museum of Iran - Introductions of Music museum of Iran's application

Prize Mobil Application Gold
Museum of Russian Impressionism - Multimedia


Prize Interactive Multimedia Bronze
Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest
Zsofia Ruttkay MOME - Colour Mirror

Prize Interactive Multimedia Silver
Musée international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge - Hurricane

Prize Interactive Multimedia Gold
Fondazione Brescia Musei - Brixia time machine


Prize Creative Exhibition Installation
Tsarskoye Selo State Museum - Albanian Room in the Arsenal of Tsarskoye Selo

Prize Video art/Techno art
Mosman Art Gallery - Syria

Grand Prize - Claude Nicole Hocqard prize of AVICOM
National Palace Museum - Giuseppe Castiglione: Lang Shining New


Media Art Exhibition and iPalace Channel Education Outreach Program 




More information:





1053 Budapest
Magyar u. 40.


Phone: 00-36-1-327-7700/573
E-mail: ommik@hnm.hu
Web: ommik.hu


Hungarian National Museum

1088 Budapest
Múzeum krt. 14-16.


Phone: 00-36-1-327-7749
E-mail: info@hnm.hu
Web: www.hnm.hu