
Ineta Zelča Sīmansone
Ineta Zelča Simansone is a museologist and museum practitioner with more than 10 years of experience. Her background is in history, education and museum studies. Ineta started her career as a museum educationist and specialized into museum communications. For 5 years she was leading the Communications Department at the Latvian National Museum of Art. Since 2012 Ineta is director of the independent think-tank Creative Museum which offers critical and forward-looking reflection of museum sector in Latvia with a special focus on museums and creative industries. Ineta is active in international museum NGO's and charities such as EMF, ICOM and NEMO. Since 2014 Ineta is leading working group Museums and Creative Industries within the Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO). Her main fields of interest are museum leadership, management, museums and creative industries, museum programming and education.

Tom Pursey
Tom Pursey is the co-founder and creative director of Flying Object, a London-based creative agency focused on installation, video and interactive digital. Recent Flying Object work includes Tate Sensorium, an IK Prize-winning multisensory exhibition at Tate Britain judged "small but mighty" by The Guardian; The A-Z of YouTube, an animated feast of references to celebrate 10 years of YouTube, viewed 12m times; and Mix the Play for British Council, an interactive platform allowing visitors to direct a scene of an Old Vic Shakespeare production, all through their phone or PC.

John Cheeseman
John Cheeseman is the Director of Mosman Art Gallery (Sydney, Australia) and President of the Regional and Public Galleries of New South Wales (RPGNSW) and a member of the AVICOM Board. He was previously the Director of Blacktown Arts Centre (Sydney, Australia) and in previous positions has been a cultural planner, cultural development officer, curator and practicing artist. John maintains a strong interest in supporting interpretive projects, cross-artform practices, social engagement and new technologies and is currently pursuing a range of projects focussed on East Asia and international exchange.

Dr. Alessandro Califano
Dr. Alessandro Califano is an Oriental Studies scholar and a photographer. A senior curator at the Heritage department of the City of Rome in Italy, where he has been managing the Library and Archives at MACRO Contemporary Art Museum in Rome, he has been a Cultural Consultant to UNESCO in Central Asia since 2008. A founding member (Kabul 2011) of OSACA – the Open Source Alliance of Central Asia – he is now living in France, where he has given life to a cultural centre named L'Archive aux Arts.

Nadja Valentinčič Furlan
Nadja Valentinčič Furlan is a museum adviser at the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, where she leads the Department for Ethnographic Film. She is responsible also for the visual ethnography of the Slovene Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage. She writes on visual anthropology, audiovisual communication at exhibitions, interpretation of film heritage, life stories and ethics. She is a member of the Executive Committee of Visual Anthropology Network within the European Association of Social Anthropologists VANEASA, and a member of the editorial committee of the online journal AnthroVision.

András Török
András Török (1954) city historian, cultural manager studied English and history at Eötvös University, Budapest. He has been interested in photography since his student days, he was the founding director of Mai Manó House Photography Center. Since 2014 Summa Artium, the organization he directs provides the administrative support of the portal. One of his books is the constantly updated Budapest: A Critical Guide (1898-2016) has been called a “cult book”. It contains a dozen Fortepan photos.

Zoltán Szatucsek
Szatucsek Zoltán (1969) is a senior archivist of the National Archives of Hungary (NAH), Director of the International Relations and EU Department. He studied history and philosophy in Debrecen and holds an MA in History from the Debrecen University. In the archives his professional fields are electronic records, and digitization. He is a member of several professional working groups and committees at both the national and institutional level. He was the leader of the NAH electronic archives project. Represents the NAH as chair of the DLM Forum and member of the Archives Portal Europe Foundation. Member of the European Commission’s European Archives Group. His current interests are in archival history, archival theory and archives as memory institutions of modern societies.
Aleš Kapsa
Professional museum expert in Museum of John Amos Comenius in Uhersky Brod in the Czech Republic. After his absolutory in Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague he is working in museum since 1995 like program expert for exhibitions and cultural actions and also as specialist of video. Here he has made ethnographic, topographical and art films. He is the program secretary of the film festival Musaionfilm since its founding in 1998. He compiles a program and promotes the festival. He ensures participation of professional trainers, consults filling their teaching seminars. Works with the festival's jury awards and ensures the implementation of selected films. Helps create outputs of festival – video archive and realizes the "Echoes of the Musaionfilm" – screening award-winning films for other institutions.

János Tari
President of AVICOM, associate professor at the Department of Communication and Media Studies of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. During his 33-year chief curatorial activity at Museum of Ethnography he participated in several ethnographic and anthropological documentaries, interactive museum exhibits, publications and audio-visual as well as he created the ethnographic digital film archive. AVICOM officer since 1992.

Ildikó Fejes
Born in 1967 in Budapest, Hungary, she graduated from Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Arts majoring in history and archaeology. She earned a postgraduate degree in European experts at University of Miskolc, Faculty of Economics. In 2014, she acquired Arts & Business Manager qualification at University of Applied Sciences, Budapest. She has more than twenty five years working experience in the Hungarian National Museum: including database building, participating in Internet and multimedia content development EU projects. Since 2011, she has been heading the National Museological Methodology and Information Centre (OMMIK). Since 2016 she is a board member of AVICOM.

Krisztina Vágó
Krisztina Vágó started her museum career as a program coordinator in the Hungarian Open Air Museum. She then joined the XPONIA team who create digital guided tour solutions. Her position involves informing people within Hungarian museums about the technology which the company offers, and providing coordination and project management from the initial stage of the project through to the final launch.

Rudolf Ungváry
Rudolf Ungváry is a mechanical engineer, engineer of information development. He works at the National Library, Hungary where he is a senior research associate. His fields of interest are: knowledge organization systems, classification, information retrieval languages, name spaces, conceptual data base developomente, data exchange formats (MARC, DC, CIDOC, SKOS), metadata.

István Szakadát
István Szakadát graduated as a mathematical engineer and a sociologist. He is working for the Department of Sociology of Technical University of Budapest. From the beginning of the digital culture he has participated in a lot of important initiations (ABCD, Moving Picture Gallery, Internetto, Origo, NDA, NAVA, MOKK, ENCOMPASS). Based on his practical experience he has published more articles and books about the characteristics of new media, and about the theory of action and game theory.

Ádám Horváth
Mr. Ádám Horváth's main aim is to foster the publication of museum and library data into the LOD cloud. He graduated from the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest M.A. in Hungarian language and literature and library science in 1980. He wrote his thesis on information theory. He postgraduated at the International Computer Education and Information Centre as a programmer in 1984. He was the Director of Informatics of the National Széchényi Library from 2001 to 2011. He also worked for the Museum of Fine Arts Budapest and became an expert of museum systems (TMS, MuseumPlus) and standards (LIDO, CIDOC-CRM). He currently works for the Hungarian National Museum leading the Central Library. In the museum he became an expert of the HUNTEKA-M collection management system and the HUNTEKA integrated library system. He led projects in the field of library automation (migration of ILMS’), networking (Z39.50, SRU, OAI-PMH) and semantic web (RDFDC, SKOS, FOAF, OAI-ORE, FRBRoo, CIDOC-CRM).

Dragos Neamu
Dragos NEAMU is founder of National Network of Romanian Museums (2006) and has an important experience in museum and project management, in discovering and empowering creative and smart peoples from museum community as well. From 2005 until now he worked and managed various national and European projects mainly for the network’s members benefit but also as freelancer, activated new fields of actions in Romanian museology. In 2014, Dragos became member of the Network of European Museum Organisations board. For 2016, he was mandated to be the counsellor of the Minister of Culture on museums and creative and cultural sectors, also part of the European working group deals with the innovative measures for new cultural business models and entrepreneurship.

Pavel Kats
Pavel Kats works at Europeana as Chief Technology Officer. He oversees the technical infrastructure of Europeana, as well as its technological roadmap. As of recently, he is leading the experimental work on innovating Europeana’s content aggregation approach and technology.
Marcin Klos
Marcin Kłos, historian, graduate of University of Gdańsk. Since 2007 active in the museum sector. Between 2007 and 2015 employed in the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk, as respectively: History of Shipbuilding collections curator, digitization coordinator and finally as head of IT department. Currently works in Historical Museum of Gdańsk as Head of Digitization Department. Since 2008 involved in digitization of cultural heritage, his primary areas of interest lie in metadata schemes and standards implementation as well as organization of digitization processes. Being a strong SPECTRUM standard advocate, he is a co-author of the first Polish translation of the standard commissioned by National Institute for Museums and Public Collections. Since 2011 cooperates with the latter as a digitization expert, member of experts’ groups, trainer and as a representative of the Institute during international meetings.
Lada Dražin-Trbuljak
Obtained her University degree in Art History and Italian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb in 1987. She has been working as curator/museum advicer for web, film and publishing at the Museum Documentation Centre (MDC) since 1994. She is the chief editor of MDC’s web portals, the chief editor of the online Calendar of Events (since 2003) and editor of printed and electronic publications: editor-in-chief of the journal Informatica Museologica (1994–1996, 2000–2016). Manager, coordinator and editor of several web projects.

Martha Henson
She spends a lot of time thinking about games. She was the producer and commissioner for the highly successful High Tea and Axon games whilst working at Wellcome Collection, and since then has worked as a producer and consultant on games and playful experiences for clients such as the Science Museum and Natural History Museum of Utah. She is the co-organiser of the London Educational Games meetup (with over 1400 members) and has spoken about, written about and run workshops on games for a wide variety of conferences, publications and institutions.

Dr. Michael H. Faber
Dr. Michael H. Faber, * 1953, Scientist of Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology, is Head of Public Relations, Event Management and Personnal Development and also Deputy Director in the LVR-Freilichtmuseum Kommern – Rheinisches Landesmuseum für Volkskunde (LVR Open-Air Museum Kommern – State Museum of Cultural Anthropology), Germany and Vice President of AVICOM.

Karina Durand Velasco
She is a consultant in the areas of museology, educational communication, and multimedia, as well as in marketing, cultural tourism, and cultural management for museums, patrimonial and education institutions, and agencies specialized in providing cultural, tourist and marketing services both locally and internationally. She has more than 25 years of work experience in museums, teaching and university extension. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Archaeology from the National Anthropology and History School and has also finished studies in Museology and Tourism. Currently is member of the board of ICOM-Mexico and member of the Board of AVICOM.